The journal of an armed robber (four)
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Love seeketh not itself to please
Nor for itself hath any care
But for another gives its ease
And builds a heaven in hell's despair - William Blake
I saw mandy in the bar nursing a cup of beer and not from far from her is about six girls , judging from their faces, I guess they'd be in their late teens or early twenties, these girls are supposed to be in their various schools. I thought, but what do you expect? When the commissioner of education in the state is irresponsible, well it is none of my business, our customer's preferences must be followed, and our customers loves them young.
"Hi you" I said to Mandy and sat down in a chair in front of her.
"Hey smith,when did you arrive? "
"Not too long ago,..I see.." I was distracted by the noisy chirpy birdlike voices of the six girls .."hey Mandy, tell your girls to pipe down!! This ain't a market!" I said to Mandy.
"You girls, shut the hell up or I send you outta here" Mandy shouted at them and they grudgingly kept silent.
" I see you brought new six girls, you will have to stop bringing in new girls for some time, I don't want this place crowded with rude noisy girls all over the place"
"You know we are doing this just for the customers smith, they complain every time that they don't want old cargoes, we have to keep making the supply fresh so that the money will continue rolling in. " Mandy said " whereas they are seven girls and not six. "
"Seven? I counted six" I retorted.
" That is the seventh girl, she has been silent ever since we got here" Mandy said pointing to a girl who is sitting away from the remaining six.
The girl 's back was turned to us so she didn't notice us talking about her.
"Why is she silent ? Are you sure she is not a trap planted by the police?"
"No, I don't think so..."
" let me go talk to her and observe her behaviour, if she is a cop,it would do her good to get out of here fast" I said, and walked over to the girl
"Hi," I said and tapped her on the back. Then the girl turned her face to look at me
I was mesmerized , the girl was the most beautiful lady I have ever seen( and believe me I have seen many) her nose and mouth was so artistic , it was as if God specially created her, she was an epitome of beauty ,who said the beautiful ones are not born yet..?he or she deserves to be shot.
"Hello sir" she said and her voice was so melodious , it goes well with her face, I was speechless for some seconds but I regained my composure and sat down beside her. "How are you doing? I am smith, an assistant manager in this hotel, Mandy works for me."
"Oh" the girl said"I am sorry for not sitting with the girls...I...I" she made to stand up.
"No , no, you are free,sit down, what is your name?"
"Alice" she replied
"Alice in the wonderland" I said jokingly and she smiled with a beautiful set of teeth, but I noticed that she was clouded up in a sad mood again.
"But alice what is the problem? Why are you not with the other girls? "
" I am sorry, I am new to this..the girls were mocking me.." She replied sadly.
Looking at the girl I noticed she was out of place here, she is not the usual type of girl that Mandy brings in, she was too beautiful and too corteous for that.I also found out she is not happy to be here.
"Alice tell me why you are here, what circumstances brought you here? "
She was silent for some seconds , I thought she wasn't going to talk but she started " it is a long story but I will cut it short,I am the daughter of a wealthy man in Ghana, my father had two wives , the second wife is my mother, three years ago, my mother died and it was hell living in the house with the first wife and her two sons, my father is always travelling so he don't know what I pass through everyday, whenever he is around, they feigned love and care for me.
My father was gentle and understanding, I told him the problems I face many times and he warned Sarah , the second wife and her two sons not to maltreat me again, and this always cause hot disagreement between her and my dad.
What later fuelled the disagreement was when they got to know daddy had written a will and I was the highest beneficiary mainly because the two sons were spendthrift and they were always collecting money from daddy.
On the day i finished writing my final papers in the school, I came home to meet my dad in a pool of blood, with a knife stuck in his stomach," she was sobbing silently now " he was still gasping for air when I reached him, I remembered him saying go get out of here, they poisoned your mother , they will frame this murder on you or kill you too. before he gave up the ghost.
I had no time to cry or pack my things because I heard the voices of Sarah's sons coming from the gate, I slipped out through the backdoor and with the little cash I had with me,and the one I withdrawed from my account in the bank, I grabbed the nearest flight to Nigeria and came to live with my friend , Nene, she was good to me until recently when my money finished and she told me , I must start earning my living if I was to continue living in her rented apartment, she introduced me to Mandy and that is how I got here. " she sobbed..
I was very angry at how the wife and her two sons treated Alice, I could shoot them if I see them now, then emotions I have never felt before gushed through me, against my wish I found out I love her, I want to do things for her, I want to protect her.
" Cry no more dear, everything will be all right. " I said and used my handkerchief to wipe tears off her face. "you will never do what you don't want to do, leave it all to me, i will see to it...don't sit with those girls, sit here and wait for me. "
I walked over to Mandy with a burning anger in me and took her to a secluded place in the bar where we wouldn't be heard. "Mandy, that girl Alice will not join the other girls, you are to give her to no customer!"
" What are you saying smith?" She was surprised and worried" you know that girl is the
most beautiful girl there, and fully endowed too, customers are already bidding for her, I was hoping to give her to the highest bidder. "
"Shut up! Damn you!." I was seething now and she must have seen the expression in my eyes because she stepped back fearfully. " you give her to any customer , or be bad to her and I swear I will kill you, and shoot the customer too, I swear to God, I will. "
Mandy knew the real me, she was our top informant, she knew I had a gun and she knew i could weild it.. She was very afraid, and there is a frightening look in her eyes. " Smith please, she won't be given to any customer, she won't, ..I say she won't"
I regained my composure and said " Mandy I am sorry for shouting at you or threatening you, I have my reasons, just abide with it. "
" All right, don't worry" she said.
"Good ,See to it that she gets anything she want , I want to see the members at the Red room. "
"All right, I will do that" Mandy said and asked "But why are you interested in this girl all of a sudden? she has nothing to offer you smith."
"None of your business Mandy, I have my reasons" I replied.
" All right, if you say so, permit me to leave now, I want to attend to some things" she said and left me standing there.
I hope my angry outburst won't have triggered Mandy's hatred against me, I hope it won't affect her cooperation and efficiency in any way, maybe I will have to see her again, I thought.
I entered the red room and I found my gang members waiting patiently for me, Alex was with a cup of beer, while Jack was puffing a cigarette.
"I am sorry for keeping you waiting guys." I said. "Now let's get into it."
Smith hates women but a lady just broke the shell, will smith had fallen in love, if he knew the grave dangers ......around the corner
Watch out for CH.5
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