Safety tips to use around Nigerian policemen
Police is our friend at least that is what they say, but we have come to question this statement now and often due to the nefarious and unwholesome activities of some bad eggs in the police force, these are some good tips for you to make sure you don't encounter or be a victim of these bad activities.
1. Never run away from a policeman : Never run from a Nigerian policeman, whether you are innocent or guilty or you are automatically signing your death warrant, in many European countries, their police force are equipped with tasers and stun guns to use on running criminals or offenders, but the case is not so in Nigeria, where the policemen only have loaded guns with no safety catch,.
some policemen are too lazy to chase criminals, they just let the velocity of their bullets do the running business.
2. Give them their dues : whenever you meet police men at checkpoints , and they ask you for money whether legally or illegally. Please give them, don't try to be the know it all or try to be one who is current in law matters, this might sound stupid but remember you are doing this for your life and the passengers you have in your care, we have heard and seen cases of drivers refusing to give policemen their dues and their passengers suffered dearly for it.
3. Don't joke or argue with a drunk policeman ; whenever you are at a bar and you see drunk policemen with guns. It is better for you to leave the bar club or joint discreetly ,but if you must stay, avoid the policemen like fleas and don't draw too much attention to yourself, drunk policemen are just like time bombs waiting to explode. Don't joke with them, because in their drunken state, they might not able to get the meaning of your jokes well , a drunk civilian can cause havoc not to talk of a drunk policeman with a loaded gun.
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4. Watch the signs ; whenever you find yourself around a policeman with a gun whether drunken or sober, always watch for any hostility signs in them , especially when a policeman start talking about killing.e.g I feel like killing somebody today, I will shoot you, if you try me, I will show you pepper etc.. Don't wait to see if the policeman is actually bluffing, take to your heels .
5. Be cautious or avoid areas where a policeman had recently been injured or beaten : when you hear or you actually see a policeman being beaten in an area, please avoid going to the area for some time, because the policemen will come for their revenge and they either they do it directly or indirectly.. Directly ( by shooting at or battering some marked men at the area) indirectly ( by arresting the residents of the area and charging them with numerous framed offences)
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6. Avoid confrontations with policemen during protest : avoid daring confrontations with policemen during protests whether peaceful or not, even if you are doing it for a just cause, don't throw stones, pure water etc at them, even if you are in the company of your friends , in a crowd or public gathering, remember a bullet has no person's name on it , in a could hit you , or anybody close to you.
7. Don't have affairs with a policeman's wife or daughters; having sexual and unholy affairs with a policeman's wife is like nailing your own coffin, because when the policeman get to know about it, we all know how it will go down,not saying you can't date a policeman's daughter, but when the father made it clear that he doesn't like you or the relationship... It is better to leave the girl, remember you have only one life to live.
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I hope the Nigerian government will find a solution to the unnecessary killings and shootings by the Nigerian police force, it is getting out of hand and it is just a matter of time before the civilians start fighting back, it is time for the government to shelve the usual mantra "the police is your friend" and carry out reforms in the police force, policemen found to be drunk should be arrested and dismissed immediately , changing of the police uniform from black to blue may be part of it but not the main solution..not all the policemen are bad, it is just that the bad eggs are getting more than the good eggs in the force..God bless Nigeria, God bless the police force and God bless the civilians.
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