How To get your mtn music mb plus for surfing and unlimited downloads


Hello guys, in this write up, I will be  giving you the simple guidelines on how you can get your music mb plus and how you can use it to browse and download unlimitedly, actually the music mb plus is initially 150mb , but there is a process which you can use to keep getting it , that is why we call it 'unlimited'

So let's get started
There are two methods with which you can use to configure this cheat on your device

1.Through simple server and autoproxy
2.Through Psiphon handler

Recently, the first method stopped working for the cheat, so we will have to go for the second method, but not to worry though, because the second method is more faster, simpler and blazing than the first one.

For this method, you need only an android application on your device, namely:

Psiphon handler ( click here to download the latest version)

After getting this app on your phone, please procced to  message and send D to 5900 .

(Note; make sure you have no credit on your sim card)

you will receive a message welcoming you to mtn music  plus, ignore and go to your dialer, then dial *559*2# , you will 
see  music+ 150mb

After confirming ,go to settings > go to mobile options >Go to access point
names>select  MTN then create a new apn as shown below

 Apn Name - Mtn music
APN type- default
Port- 8080
Click on save and enable it as your default settings

 After setting your APN and making mtn music your default APN
Go to psiphon handler to effect the following settings:

> proxy type: real host
> Proxy
>proxy type : HTTP
>Real proxy server:
>Real proxy port:8080

Save for app to open
tick the box beside"I trust this application" and press ok to continue
> swipe to options 
> tick tunnel whole device
>go to more options
> tick connect through HTTP
> tick use the following settings
Port: 8080 
Go back and connect and enjoy surfing
you don't need to change the region

Note: don't close it , minimize it.

Now after you exhaust the 150mb, to get another one, just send cancel7d to 5900
Wait for a reply and then send D to 5900 again...when they reply you, check your balance using *559*2#. You will see you would be given.
This is how you will continue renewing your mtn 150mb, you can renew for as many times as possible, it depends on how fast you finish the 150mb.just make sure you have no credit on your sim card.

Do you have any questions concerning the cheat above? Feel free to comment, the author would be glad to help you.

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