
Ten things you don't know about sadists



Sadist. Does this term strikes a bell? I am sure your mind went to the difficult lecturer at your school who is hard with marks, he/she prefers to have most of the students offering his/her courses fail than pass, or your mind went to that boss at your workplace, who never laughs at anything and increases your work load?..you are right, these are sadists, but do you know apart from the official ties, some people receive full blasts of the negativity feelings from sadist..i lived with a sadist for some good years and i could say i have known all i need to know about sadists, the sadistic feelings are contagious and I think I have been infected with some,but thanks to my jovial nature that serves as antibodies, I manage to kick out some of these feelings (just joking, let's get to it) 

Do you also know you can be a sadist without knowing you are? Of course nobody would really love to call himself or herself a sadist, but you might be guilty of these characters.

Notice; there might be some rare cases, but sadists all over the world will exhibit five of these listed characters , if not all.

1. Sadists don't love entertainment ; music is life, entertainment is happiness, but sadly, most sadist don't think about entertainment like this, they think singing, listening to music, acting, dancing, watching movies are one of the foolish necessities of life they could easily do without, most of them detest new generational songs, if they were forced to choose, they would choose oldies, ( many people love old songs and are not sadist; for example me )

2. They can cook; believe it or not but most sadists can cook especially the men,since they don't like depending on anybody , and food is one of the basic amenities you can't do without, they learn to cook and they excel at it..these can lead sometimes to unhappiness in their wives lifes because most of the time they would find fault with the woman's cooking..too much salt, peppery etc and they would prefer to do the cooking themselves

3. They dont fight easily : sadists could abuse you and define you in many ways, but it is very rare for a sadist to throw the first punch, they aren't cowards, they can't just bring themselves or stoop so low to fighting, instead of doing all this, they prefer to keep malice and attack in indirect ways which is different from physical combat, they could refuse to give you what you ask for, stops your promotion or reduce your marks drastically.

4. They are intelligent and learned; most sadists are very intelligent and learned, they love education and are passionate about knowledge, since they don't have the time for many things they considered mundane, they turn to their books , they love reading and
Sometimes they have a soft spot for brilliant people and readers.

5. They are pessimistic about most things; this is a major attribute of sadists, they are pessimists, most of the time( I use most of the time because you might never know, there might be some rare cases) they don't see good in things you are doing if it is not being done by them or ideas you have if it isn't theirs..

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6. They harbour long term malice.; since sadists don't show and release their hate and anger by fighting or long outbursts, they stored it as malice and nourishes their hate against the person..their malice can run into weeks, months and even years, if the person being hated did not beg intensely  for forgiveness from them.

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7. They don't get sick easily : sadists are kinda thick skinned against all normal illnesses that affects human beings, though they do get such but it is not on normal occasions mainly because they love being clean and careful in nature, and when they do get sick, they are proud enough to not tell anyone about it unless it is getting critical or out of hand.

8. They are purists ; they love doing things correctly and in the traditional way, they also want everyone around them to be clean , neat and obey their orders without questioning it.

9. Most of them are atheists; most of them don't believe there is a God somewhere and those who believe among them, don't nurture or like the idea of worshipping in a congregation, they dont like the normal singing, praying , dancing etc that occurs in the person , they prefer worshipping in the corners of their rooms, and believes they are holier than others.

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10. They sought after perfection; they want to be perfect and wants everything around them to be done perfectly, as a lecturer or a teacher, he wants you to answer questions correctly with no form of mistakes, but sadly, this is a race they can never win because nobody is perfect or can attain the level of perfection

Sadists live a sad life and makes everybody around them unhappy..they were not born that way but due to the various challenges that they have faced at some stages in their lives, man's cruelty towards them etc
Some  if not helped turns out to be murderers

So how do we overcome these sadistic feelings?

1. Be happy
2. Have a simple approach towards life
3. Understand the fact that nobody can be perfect
4.watch more comedy films
5.don't keep and nourish your angers ; release them, not through fighting but by letting others know what you feel about them.
6. Be kind

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  1. Very informative, keep posting such sensible articles, it extremely helps to grasp regarding things.


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