
How to recognize online business scammers


Internet fraudsters
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Internet scammers are people who engage in the activities of cheating, swindling and defrauding their victims online, internet fraudsters are multiplying everyday and we have to know how we can recognize them and avoid becoming their preys , these fraudsters can act in groups or as private individuals and their ways and mode of operation are categorized into four types

1. Scam websites : In this case the scammers can set up blogs, forums and websites online to swindle unsuspecting persons,and a fraudster could also use the various legal online purchase sites we have to carry out his or her operations they display goods for sale and when the buyers made the payment, they end up sending fake or no goods at all to the buyer, they make false business proposals to rich individuals or corporations to swindle  them, most people who fall victim to this category are greedy ones who want to acquire everything cheap.

2. Internet dating scams : The fraudsters in this category are very active on social and dating sites e.g Facebook, eskimi etc, they feigned love and care to their victims, thereby working their ways into their victims , making false marriage plans ,to the point where the unsuspecting victims would be compelled and at ease to send the fraudsters money.

3 Identity thefts ; This is a process whereby  scammers through fraudulent means acquire and use a person's or organization's private or public identifying information for their personal gain or use.It can also be called online impersonation.
they create different phony accounts of celebrities ,civil servants, popular individuals etc and develop different schemes there to get money from the innocent  fans and followers of the celebrities.

4. The pity me approach ; some fraudsters cook up fake stories to get pity and money from good Samaritans online, these type of scammers are mainly seen in public forums.

But today, i will be writing on how to idetinfy online business scammers.

Nigerian scammers

How to recognize online business scammers

1, Their offers are always too good to be true ; when they display their goods on online shopping sites, their price is always low compared to the actual price of the product, they display cheap amazing offers that will make the victim thinks he/she would be gaining a lot , but in actual sense losing, after receiving the money, they would send fake products or no products at all, because of the bad reviews they will get, after  defrauding many,
they will close and delete the account.

Smith was shopping for a phone; he had been to the various legit shopping sites he knew and found out the phone was been sold for 80$ to 75$ on these shopping sites but he wanted it very cheap, he started searching for shopping sites and finally found himself on a site where the phone was been sold for $35, he was glad thinking he had landed on a gold mine, he rushed without proper research and reviews to order the goods and pay , not only ordering one but ordering fifteen thinking he would sell to his friends and make huge profit but alas the phones were never sent. After waiting for three weeks, Smith went back to make enquires but sadly found out the website had been shut down, it was then he knew that he had been duped.

2. They keep pestering you to do business with them : they check your profiles on your social accounts, check what your proffesion is , hook you up and offer you mouth watering deals and business proposals, if you refuse , they will keep pestering you, trying to convince you that they are real and legit, they could even go to the extent of showing you fake evidences until the victims give in to their request

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3. They only have "payment before delivery" options on their phony purchasing  sites

 There are many legitimate online shopping websites that has only this  payment procedure, fraudsters are aware of this too and they set up sites displaying flashy and classy things for sale, after paying for the goods, the goods will never be sent and they give diifferent kinds of excuses as to why the goods hasnt been delivered, in some cases, they will even ask for more money, and after they had gained a lot from the shopping site, they will close it down and move on to another fraud tactics

4.They give private account numbers that might be different from their brand; most of the time, they give private account numbers that when you check the name up on social sites, the information there is always different from the one they are trying to dupe you with.

5.They have no history whatsoever ; when you try to check their history online,you won't find any information about them and their evidences don't add up.

So what are the precautionary methods we can take to avoid getting duped online

1. Research well, check reviews and ask around before you purchase goods from online shopping sites

2. Create a topic on the business you intended to go into on online forums so that you can receive advise and get experiences from people that have gone through it.

3. Don't be pestered, influenced or cajoled to go into a business, make sure you take your time

4. Dont go into any secret dealings

5. Ask around for the actual price of a product before you buy it,

6. Confirm your  account details  from your bank whenever any payment was made.

7.Report a scammer when identified.

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